Teen Vogue


Taylor Swift’s music has been the soundtrack to my life for a decade now. Her albums have been there through various stages of my life; first love, first heartbreak, first loss, first day of college, first real job.

She has been a hero of mine and my favourite singer since I was a teenager so when her album Lover was released on August 23, 2019, I was as happy as can be.

There’s something so special about listening to your favourite singer’s new album in full for the very first time. I woke up at 5am to listen to the album, because in my heart I am still a 16-year-old fangirl.

By the evening time I was emailing Teen Vogue, who were looking for ‘Swifties’ to take part in a ‘Love Letter to Taylor Swift’ and somehow, I was one of 13 chosen.

I am in Teen Vogue and I still can’t quite believe it. I chanced my arm by sending in my words for the De Elizabeth’s feature and didn’t think there was a chance they’d be chosen, but there they are… on Teen Vogue.

It is a true dream come true and one I’ll never forget.

You can read the full piece here